Monday, February 20, 2012

4 day weekend

This was our last weekend as a family of four. Jason had a 4-day, since it's President's Day, so we made all kinds of overly-ambitious plans. Plans that did not include the boys getting sick. Again.

We started off running some errands, finishing up our grocery shopping pre-baby, and made some time to play at the train table at Barnes & Noble.

Everything seemed fine, until Riley woke up from naptime spiking a fever (again), crying, coughing, and all stopped up. Since we just went through all this mess 3 weeks ago, Jason packed him up and took him to the ER. James woke up shortly after they left, complaining that his ear hurt. I didn't have another carseat to drive him over, so we were just going to wait it out til Jason came home and switch kids. I gave James some tylenol and dug some motrin out of the medicine cabinet, but after 3 1/2 hours, Riley still hadn't been seen by a doctor and James wasn't feeling any better. I did a little online research and found a pediatric urgent care clinic in town that takes Tricare and didn't need a referral, so I called Jason right away and told him to come home. Thank the Lord for this clinic! From the time we walked in til we walked out, even with a little wait, was an hour and a half. The staff was amazing and called the next day to check on the boys.

After some amoxicillin for James's ear infection and a motrin regimen for all the viral mess, both boys were feeling better by the end of the weekend.

We've been meaning to take the boys to see a movie for a couple weeks now, but between all the bugs and Jason's crazy air assault schedule our plans were put on hold. Finally, we made a trip to the Imax at the Infantry Museum to see Puss in Boots in 3d. The boys were particularly excited about their 3d glasses and popcorn.

Both of them did really well for their very first movie theater-movie. Riley got a little impatient toward the end and didn't want to sit still, but James was glued to the screen! We had a great time :)

I got to enjoy a little fun this past week, myself. A few friends and I went to see "The Vow" the other night. It was good, but not quite the estrogen-packed-tearfest I was expecting. Then, this Saturday was Bunco night, pajama/sweats themed (which worked in my swollen favor). It's so crazy to think that delivery is only days away! Everybody got one last rub on the belly while she's still in there. I'm going to miss frequenting the meet ups and seeing everyone while we get into our routine, but I know I've got a great support system of friends around. And eventually, it'll be nice to enjoy some girls' nights without carrying around a great big belly!

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