Tuesday, February 21, 2012

38 weeks

How far along? 38 weeks, 4 days

How big is baby? Estimated around 7 lbs (James was already 7.13! And he came at 38 weeks, 3 days--crazy to think we'd already have her!), approx. 20 inches long and watermelon sized! And boy don't it feel like it!

Weight gain? 30 lbs

Sleep? Ha. What sleep?? Between sick babies crawling into my bed, stealing my nest of pillows, getting up to pee a million times, and a small child lodged in my rib cage, sleep isn't really happening these days.

Symptoms? Swelling up like a balloon. Nausea. Killer rib pain. Oh and I'm so huge that I'm pretty much wearing Jason's clothes all the time. I try to look a little nicer when I leave the house, but even in warmest of weather I'm layering up tank tops underneath and sweaters on top so I don't accidentally expose a naked belly.

Movement? Baby girl is running out of room! She's dropped, but she's grown so much that her feet are always in my ribs. Nothing seems to get them out unless she's sleeping, because she'll curl up a little and quit kicking around so much. She's still dancing, but it's obvious things are tight in there.

Cravings? My ritz crackers are starting to lose their magic. 11 weeks in, they are actually making me nauseous.

Best moment this week? Fun get-togethers with my friends (while I still can!), finishing up the nursery and packing the hospital bags (got her coming-home outfit in the mail that my mom sent me, so she's all set!), anticipating her arrival with the boys (James is super excited, Riley thinks we're getting flowers), and getting my hair done today so I can look spiffy in all those swollen hospital photos!

Looking forward to most? In just a few days, having her! I can't wait to see how the boys welcome her, being comfortable and sleeping again, and getting to meet her. I wonder who she'll look more like and how big she'll be. I can't wait to have a tiny baby in the house again. And I can't wait to burn my maternity clothes.

3 days to go!

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