Saturday, December 3, 2011

Jason's grad week

Five years ago, I met my husband and one of the very first things he told me was that he was going to go to Officer Candidate School and become an officer in the Army. I knew absolutely nothing about the military or becoming an officer and I had no idea of what I was about to get myself into. After many years and lots of hard work, at 1 o'clock this past Thursday, Jason was sworn in as a Second Lieutenant. All of our family there, we sighed a huge breath of relief, shed a few happy tears, and laughed, screamed, and applauded simultaneously. It was the happiest day!

It's been a full week, too. Starting with the company's graduation formal. It was held at the River Mill, downtown. Lights were strung up everywhere. It was fabulous!

They provided childcare in the building (woohoo!) and James was begging to come back--good sign, right? Our huge extended-family arrived Wednesday afternoon. It was the first time our families have seen each other since our wedding 4.5 years ago and the first time ever that my side got to meet Nanny Louise and Big Dad. Granny and Nanny have been phone-friends for the longest time and have been anticipating actually meeting for months now. It was like they'd known each other forever!

The night before, I could barely sleep! After walking on eggshells for 6 long months, graduation day was finally here.

We got all dolled up. Riley had his new (precious) tie on for all of 2 seconds before yanking at it.

They still ended up looking precious :)

Everything went off without a hitch! The boys were little angels, the guest speaker was phenomenal, and we were front-and-center.

Jason being sworn in (he's smack in the center).

When they were released, we couldn't wait to just smother him! It's been such a long time coming--words can not express how relieved/excited/happy/overwhelmed we all were.

Jason's mom and dad (David) "pinned" him.

His dad, Bill, did the oath/swearing in.

When you are commissioned as an officer, the first enlisted soldier to salute you gets a silver dollar. Jason's brother, Trey came dressed in his uniform so he could be Jason's first salute (he waited for him as he came off the stage during the ceremony, but the picture quality was terrible). Big Dad and Bill brought the silver dollar that had been passed down during Bill's commission for the occasion.

Jason with his dad.

Despite cutting into their naptime, the kids were good as gold. I credit Uncle Trey (or Uncle "T", rather) who was dragged around, crawled and jumped on, played super heroes with, and entertained them the whole visit.

We tried to get some family shots, but staring into the sun and impatient kids made it difficult.

[above] My side of the family.

[below] Jason's dad's side.

Jason's mom's side (with Bill's family).

Jason with his mom and uncle John. I think the boys' favorite part was getting to bring Daddy home. For good!

After graduation, we'd promised everyone we'd reveal the baby's name. The night before, when everyone got here, we had them put random guesses into a bag (without any hint at all) and we read them off before the reveal. To make it fun and involve everyone, we turned it into a game of hangman!

They had no problem guessing the middle name right away, but everyone was stumped on the first name! It was hilarious how competitive and excited everyone got as we got down to the last letter.

Finally, Uncle John figured the "p" out and "Poppy Jane" was her name-o!

Big Dad and Nanny took everyone out to eat at the Meritage Cafe that night to celebrate. It was wonderful--the whole thing--we just loved having everyone all together! We talked and laughed and there wasn't a quiet moment. I'm so lucky to have married into such a big, fun, loving, supportive extended family. The kids definitely got their grandparent-fix! We had such a good time with everyone and what an incredible occasion to celebrate with.

Five years ago, my husband told me his lifelong dream of becoming an officer. Today, he's made it happen. After everything it took to get here, I could not be prouder of him. Congratulations Jason! I love you and I'm so honored to have been by your side.

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