Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankful Day 10: preschool

I found the kids' school on a whim. Heard of it while a friend was looking into Mother's Day Out/preschool for her daughter. When we went to tour it for the first time I was sold! The teachers have been fantastic, the curriculum outstanding, and it's brought out the best in the boys.
They've learned so much and grown so much in the past year there. When our two year old, who barely talked (at least not in a very translatable way) started counting at the dinner table after only a couple months in the baby class, we realized how much he was getting out of it. Both boys have honed their social skills, learned letters, numbers, Spanish. Riley used to cry when I'd try to drop him off, now he's so excited to go to his class he cries when James goes without him!
School helped James to come out of his shell. He's sounding out letters and words, counting past twenty, making friends, making choices. He comes home with good behavior stars every day. He talks like a little grown-up.
Preschool has also been a huge break for me. There's still lots of back and forth, dropping off, picking up. But it's offered me days off for doctor's appointments,errands, running, meet ups with friends, one-on-one time with Poppy. And shopping with only one child compared to three is practically a vacation!
I'm thankful for the opportunity to send our children to such a good school, for all the wonderful teachers who have been so good with them, and for the break for me.

1 comment:

  1. I hope I can find something nearly as good (wherever we end up!) when I have kids!
