Saturday, December 31, 2011

31 weeks

Real quick before the bump update--this is my 100th post of year 2011! Sure beats the heck out of the 14 posts last year! Okay so now: baby
How far along?: 31 weeks, 1 day
How big is baby?: She was measuring 3 lbs last week at our 3d ultrasound (Thebump says she's still squash-sized)
Weight gain?: About 18-20 lbs--I find out for sure next Wednesday at my OB appointment.
Symptoms?: I'm really starting to hit that uncomfortable part. Back pain, getting winded easily. My feet are swollen by the end of the day if we've been out or I've been on them a lot, but luckily swelling is gone by morning. My ribs are killing me--she keeps trying to stretch out but there's not much room left in there. The boys were both head down position by 25-ish weeks, so their feet were always in my ribcage, but she's sideways and has been almost the entire pregnancy. So she's stretching out on both sides.
Sleep?: Good for the most part. The uncomfortable part is making that harder--there's a lot more tossing and turning now. I'm still tired all the time, but now caffeine is making me sick so I have to lay off the coffee til after she's here.
Cravings?: I'm craving salt something fierce!! I've been eating my weight in Ritz crackers and dumping salt on them first. I'm not kidding. I want to go to Tractor Supply and pick up a salt lick and keep it on my bedside table. It's just a third trimester thing for me. A disgusting third trimester thing.
Movement?: She's dancing around in there. It's about the time she starts getting in her waking/sleeping cycles and I'm afraid she's going to have her days and nights mixed up like James did. She's really active at nighttime and sleeps long stretches during the day.
Best Moment so far: We did a 3d ultrasound last week so Jason could actually go to one of them--and so we could finally do one. I want to do all the fun stuff this time around since this is our last. It was really neat since she's looking like a "real baby" instead of the alien-like ultrasounds at 20 weeks or so. She still had her hands up hiding her face almost the enitre 40 minutes. Girl does not want her picture taken! I'll try to post some of the pictures we got, later.
Looking forward to?: I have an appointment next week and they'll get me on the calendar for delivery! Only 8 weeks to go, and it's flying by this time! Now that it's getting so close, I've started having a change of heart about her lack-of-a-nursery. She'll be in our room for the first while, but since we're going to be living here close to another year at least, she'll need a room at some point before we move. And we need space to keep all her stuff. Plus I want to do all the fun decorating/organizing stuff. I think I'm freaking out/nesting. So before Jason starts back to work, in between taking down Christmas decorations (sad day), we're trying to get something together. Right now the big dilemma is finding a home for all our junk that's in the sewing/craft/office/junk room. Eesh.

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