Thursday, December 29, 2011

Post-Christmas visits

Between work and holiday chaos, my parents and sister drove down this week for a few days to spend a late Christmas with us.
They got in Monday afternoon while the boys were still napping. After everyone got up we exchanged presents, had a Buzz Lightyear crisis (don't ask), and took the new truck for a spin while supper finished cooking. Still in their new footie pajamas.

Riley even got to drive and made the same circles around and around the yard.

And we took it for a spin the next day, too. This time it was cooler, they donned jackets instead of pjs, and Riley wasn't really feeling it.

He also was NOT feeling his new sock monkey hat...

It stayed off after this. For the record, he cracked up when he saw this picture of himself. Next year's Christmas card?

Right before we called it quits, he decided he'd just chase big brother around in lieu of riding shotgun. Daddy tagged along to make sure no one got run over...
James was pretty precious in his little dinosaur hat, no?

There was lots of eating this week. Roast, potatoes, rolls, sausage, a giant ham. And millions and millions of cookies. Gotta love the red food coloring!

And here's a quick shot of some of our Christmas cards and their place above the fireplace. The lamp has been covering Emmy's card (the snowman on the far right) so it has been moved.
Also, the monogrammed rug is from my Granny! Love it :)

We're so lucky they were able to come down and it eased the post-Christmas/holiday let-down that tends to follow all the excitement after weeks of anticipation. It seems kind of ridiculous that there'd be any letdown at all, considering all the wonderful things we have to look forward to this next year. But there is. Always is.
For now, I'm ready to get on with the new year. 2011 was fabulous: moving to Georgia, making new friends, seeing family (a lot!), Jason graduating OCS, finding out we're having our 3rd child, friends' weddings, a trip to Florida, family visiting us for holidays. It's been cram-packed. In five years together, we haven't had a boring one yet! I'm putting together a list of resolutions, or rather, things I want to accomplish in 2012. There's lots to look forward to: my sister's wedding, having a baby (8 weeks from tomorrow!), Jason's armor school, getting our next orders. Jason will get to live at home this time, and he'll get to be here for our daughter's first 6 months (at least) which is new for us. The boys will get to spend some much-needed time with their dad, after being apart for 7 months. They're both doing preschool/mother's day out. Riley will start potty-training soon. I have no idea if I'll be starting school down here, or looking into somewhere at our next duty station, but I'm enjoying having a little time to just be mom.

2012 is only days away! And I'm one blog post away from 100 posts this year!

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