Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tis the season

To drive home from Walmart with a giant ride-on truck strapped to the top of the car. The grand-clauses got the boys a [ginormous] F-150 Raptor and after many complications between Walmart and paypal, Jason ventured out to pick the thing up. Walmart during the holidays is hell. Walmart at any time is hell, but especially the week before Christmas. I stayed home with the boys and shut the blinds so they wouldn't see and didn't realize until Jason texted that he was on his way home that he took the car instead of the SUV. Oh lawd. There are two or three school zones on the way home and he said all the kids on the playground were going crazy! When I saw him pull down the street I about died. Soooo funny!

While we were all still recovering from our colds, we managed to squeeze in a little fun. My friend Crystal had some of us over for Christmas crafts. Riley was more interested in eating the cereal than making anything with it.

James was busy getting into the toys, but did manage to make a candy-cane mouse. He is OBSESSED with candy canes.

That evening we made up our date night! We went to see Sherlock Holmes 2 (it was awesome!) and I finally got the mexican food I've been craving for months now.

Since we started feeling better and Jason was finally home, we finally got to catch up on the festivities--the boys cut out gingerbread men and helped me make hershey's thumbprint cookies.

We went through the playroom and put aside all the outgrown and un-played with toys to donate (or to pass down to Poppy) and got rid of all the broken pieces. We picked up one of those toy-shelves that holds the plastic bins and the boys helped Daddy put it together.

Jason's been wrapping presents and helping me make and hang paper snowflakes. He won't admit it, but he's a male version of Martha Stewart. He could retire from the military and work at a department store. It's fun getting things going, but with 70 degree weather and rain, it certainly doesn't feel like Christmas is less than a week away!

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